Faye Marston Hammer

Left to right: Debbie, Wanda, and Faye Hammer

Click here for my husband's Testimony

All my life I have been searching for truth, even though I really didn’t know exactly what truth was. Now I know the meaning of it. D&C 93:24 "And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come." The rest of D&C 93, is very good also, please read it.

I came to the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days four years ago. I was 34 years old and I didn’t even really know what it meant to feel the spirit and receive a witness of truth and know in my heart really what it felt to have a burning in the bosom. It wasn’t 'till I came here to Manti and heard Jim speak and got baptized that I knew what it felt like.

I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for that. I knew when I first heard the models they were true and that Jim was a prophet of God. I was baptized shortly after I heard the models. I received the most powerful confirmation blessing I could ever hope for. I knew at that time that I would gather here to the Sanpete Valley and that it was the gathering place of the Lord. I sold my home and moved to Manti. It has been the best move of my life. I now have a wonderful husband and 2 great sister-wives. I am the 3rd wife.

Polygamy is one of the things I have had a very strong testimony of all my life. When I was 16 I married man 25 years my senior and he had 5 other wives. I was also involved in 2 other relationships after he died. I realized going through this that there had to be something missing. I knew polygamy could be lived in a way that you could be happy, but I didn’t know how. Now, I am happy to say, I have learned one very important lesson; you only marry through the revelation of God, and make sure it (the revelation) is from God. I had some bad marriages so I wasn’t planning on getting married again, but I begged God to let me know who I should marry, if I had to, and man did He ever! For that I will be eternally grateful. Now I am the happiest I have ever been in my life. I love my husband very much, also my sister-wives and their children.

Polygamy can be such a great thing IF lived right and for the right reasons. It makes you grow and see your faults that you need to work on. If it wasn’t for this type of relationship (polygamy) where you really have to face yourself, you wouldn’t see yourself. If I didn’t believe it whole heartedly I wouldn’t live it because it can be hard and, this is another thing I have learned through many years of experience.

Polygamy is only as hard as you make it. It can be great or it can be hell. It’s up to you. Polygamy isn’t for everyone. It is only for those Elect individuals who are trying to become Gods.

I also know, by witness of heaven, that I am surrounded, watched over, helped, and protected every day by those on the other side of the veil. I deal with 24 children under the age of 15. Without the help of the Holy Order, I would never be able to do it. They help us with so many things that we are never aware of.

I know by the revelation of Heaven that Jim Harmston is a true prophet of God and that he is doing what God wants him to do, and that Jesus Chris, died for me, and now lives for me. I know that Adam is my God and whom I pray to.

Faye Marston Hammer

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