Daniel Brinkerhoff Clark Savage

Click here for my Father's Testimony

I was born in Snowflake Arizona on December 5, 1978; the sixth of eight children. When I was five years old, my parents were divorced. To begin this 'new stage' of my life I returned with my mother back to Snowflake, from Cedar City, Utah. I then moved back and forth every year or two between homes. In some ways these were hard times, but I did have the opportunity to learn a lot of good lessons for which I am grateful.

I grew up as an average young man in the world; I hadn't really had any particular desires for God or wondered about the truth until about the third grade, when God somehow reached down and flipped a switch in my mind which miraculously gave me a mighty change of heart. I no longer had any desire for sin, but my utmost goal and focus was to make it back to the presence of my Father in Heaven in the Celestial Kingdom, where I could experience true joy and happiness. Since then, that desire has only grown stronger and deeper within my soul.

In 1993 in one of my routine visits to my mother's residence in Arizona, I was first introduced to elements of the Fullness of the Gospel which had been taught by Joseph Smith but lost to the world through the apostasy of the LDS church. At this time I was still an active member in the LDS Church and had served in many Church offices and callings including deacon's quorum president, 1st counselor in the teacher's quorum presidency and home teacher.

As these interesting elements of the Fullness of the Gospel were introduced to me, I knew they were true, "they just fit." But being the 'perfectionist' that I was, I wanted to be sure I did not make a single mistake. So, while learning these 'new and interesting' doctrines taught by the early brethren, I committed myself to much fasting and prayer to find out what the truth really was. As I studied to learn more, I continued to attend to my LDS callings and assignments, and meetings, so that I could get both sides of the story and thereby have sufficient knowledge, that through the guidance of the Holy Ghost I could make a righteous judgment as to what really was the truth.

In my process of discovering the truth I was not alone for there were others of my family and friends who also were coming to a knowledge of the truth. I carefully watched these who were with me in their quest for truth. I noticed the gifts of the Spirit and the fruits of God manifest in their lives, and that, in and of itself, served as a witness to the truthfulness of the things which I was learning, for as I learned in the scriptures, "By their fruits shall ye know them"(3 Nephi 14:20).

As my search has gone on (through the decisions which I have made by the direction of the Lord), I have Gathered with the like-minded Saints of God in the Last Days, in Manti, Utah where in the light of the Fullness of the Gospel and with the Divine guidance of the Holy Spirit, I now truly exclaim, "At last I have found the truth and a people who are willing to put spiritual things to the forefront--those who will sacrifice all for God and His kingdom, who seek to establish Zion, even the New Jerusalem, where the Elect of God can and will dwell with God, our Father Adam, and His Son the Lord Jesus Christ! Though at times it may be a struggle, recognizing and overcoming my weaknesses, I truly am happier than I have ever been in my life. May God be eternally praised for His goodness, justice and mercy toward the children of men, for truly I have been found a beneficiary of the very grandest of blessings to mortals on earth, even that of having the Fullness of the Gospel, even the truth!"

My testimony follows:

I now bare witness, as a warning voice to the world, of the desolation of abomination which awaits the wicked of this earth, who have rejected God, by rejecting his plan for the salvation and exaltation of man. For truly I promise in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that every person who does not repent, who will not find God's true path and follow it, will be destroyed as one of the wicked in a day soon at hand .

God has said, 'There are none who doeth good, except those who are ready for the Fullness of the Gospel,' as found in D&C 35:12. In other words, we are only "good" if we accept the Fullness of the Gospel. And to be good is to be on the Lord's side, is it not? Therefore, if we are not living the Fullness of the Gospel then we are not on the Lords side but on the Adversary's side.

I testify that the only people on the face of the earth who have the Fullness of the Gospel are those who belong to the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days; this is the only people on earth who are fulfilling every prophesy given by God to His prophets through all the ages of time.

It is my solemn witness and testimony that this people not only possess the Fullness of the Gospel, but the priesthood authority and keys to administer the ordinances of the same. This power and authority was restored through the Prophet and Elias of the Last Days, James Dee Harmston, who is God's only true mouth piece upon the earth today, and who is preparing the way for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I know these things are true, not only by the testifying power of the Holy Ghost upon my soul, but by the patterns, types and shadows throughout all the scriptures; as well as the fruits of righteousness which clearly can be seen by the Elect of God; even those with eyes to see, ears to hear and understanding hearts.

I bare my witness and testimony that Jesus is the Christ, the only Begotten of the Father, and that our Father and God is none other than Adam, the Ancient of Days. I testify that they live, for I have been in their glorious presence.

I testify that things are true, and promise that you too can find out for yourself the truthfulness of these things, if you truly apply Moroni 10:5. I so testify to these things and seal this testimony upon your soul that it may stand as a witness for or against you in the judgment day, all depending upon your choices, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ -- whose servant I am. Amen.

Daniel Brinkerhoff Clark Savage

email: psavage@tlcmanti.org

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