Kent Braddy

Jefferson Kent Braddy was born on May 22, 1969 in Georgia, USA. He joined the LDS Church at the age of fourteen after gaining a testimony of Joseph Smith, Jr. and the Book of Mormon. Kent states, "I felt at that time a sort of kinship with Joseph since he was only 14 when he sought out the truth."

From that point on, his life was typical of all LDS youth, i.e. attending seminary, Aaronic Priesthood quorums and activities, youth conferences, etc. In high school he was active in music and theater. After graduating from high school he attended Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, majoring in Musical Dance Theater. He was a member of the "Young Ambassadors", a full-production show choir that tours internationally.

Like most LDS young men, he was called on a full-time two-year proselyting mission. In preparation for this he received an Endowment in an LDS Temple where he gained a testimony of the truth of the Endowment's origins. In March of 1989 he was sent to preach in Scotland, U.K. "This," he says, "is where my life began to change. I found myself struggling with the rejection that most missionaries experience. My religious study greatly intensified. It wasn't enough that I believed my religion was true-- I had to know why it was true."

As a missionary, he learned a great deal from his mission president, a man by the name of Joseph Fielding McConkie. President McConkie had a powerful influence on the lives of all the missionaries he served. "He taught us how to teach," Kent says, "and he taught us what to teach-- the Restoration through Joseph Smith, Jr. He also taught me how to study the scriptures, a thing that has had one of the greatest impacts in my life, and has contributed to my being here in the TLC today. President McConkie had no tolerance for ignorance, especially among the leadership of the church. I resolved that I would never allow myself to become ignorant of the most important thing in my life-- my religion and the doctrines that comprise it."

Kent returned from his mission in 1991. He resumed his studies at Brigham Young University and again participated in the Young Ambassadors. He met and fell in love with Jennifer Larson from Snowflake, AZ. They were later married in their favorite LDS Temple-- the Manti Temple. They eventually settled in Snowflake and began to raise a family. The Braddy's were typical Latter-day Saints, active in church callings, tithe-paying and temple attendance.

All the while, Kent continued to study Mormonism and its roots. "I remember looking around me and seeing people who didn't seem to care about learning the mysteries of God. Most people were so caught up in worldly pursuits, making money, sports, etc. that religion was not much more than a family tradition to them. I didn't necessarily consider myself as being a more spiritual person, it's just that it wasn't a family tradition to me. I had only been a member for seven or eight years. I had the audacity to really believe what Joseph Smith said, that we could obtain the presence of God while in this life."

Then, in the Fall of 1993, they learned of a group of people in Manti, Utah that had been excommunicated from the LDS Church for apostasy. These people had been tried for holding unauthorized study groups and studying too much, having too much food storage, being too concerned with events of the last days, home schooling their children, and other "unorthodox" behaviors. Regarding this time, Kent says, "My curiosity was piqued when I heard about this 'Manti Group'. My wife's parents had attended the seminar called the 'Models' in which the Manti Group taught about the disparity between the modern LDS Church and original teachings of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and others. Their report of what they learned astounded me, and I wanted to know more. I believed that God could tell me the truth of all things by the power of the Holy Ghost. I knew what the Holy Ghost felt like, and I also knew how it felt to lose the spirit. I was confident that God would help me to discern whether or not these people were deceived."

In October of 1993 Kent and Jennifer attended the Models in Manti. "I was amazed beyond measure at what I heard. The Spirit bore strong witness to me of the truth of the things taught in the Models, and that the events of the Last Days were near at hand. I had recognized many of the changes in doctrine, but easily dismissed my concerns by saying 'The brethren must know what they're doing'. I learned in the Models that men do not have authority, no matter what title or postition they have, to alter the doctrines or ordinances of God. I also learned that the way we are taught to pray in the Endowment is the way God intended us to pray and get answers."

Upon their return home, they experienced resistance from friends, family, and church leaders. "I guess I wasn't surprised at people's reactions when they learned that we went to see the Manti Group. I did, however, have a problem with the fact that some people who never seemed to have much regard for their religion were now self-righteously condemning us. People who used to speak from the pulpit about basketball, football, politics and parties, were now preaching 'Follow the Brethren' and 'Our Prophet can never be deceived'."

As the doctrine of the Manti Group centered around the Endowment, the group began petitioning the heavens for answers regarding the changes the LDS Endowment that occured in 1990. Answers came from heaven, and authority was given to restore and administer the ordinances of the Endowment. "I decided to once and for all determine whether or not this Manti Group had power from God. In March of 1994 my wife and I were washed, anointed, and endowed in the Group's Endowment House. The powerful witness of the Spirit was unmistakable. At that point I knew for a certainty that the Priesthood was indeed with these people and that God sanctioned their works. Jennifer and I felt a great peace and warmth in the days and weeks following our Endowments. We were happy and full of desire to serve God." The Braddy's began to make plans to move to Manti in the Summer.

Kent's studies to know and defend the truth continued with fervency. He found that when he was questioned by his local leaders, they were more interested in discussing loyalty than in addressing the questions he posed. "I grew weary of having to defend my beliefs in front of people who were unacquainted with early church history and doctrine. It was evident to myself and the local leaders that I could no longer stay in the LDS Church and believe the things I did." He and his wife were excommunicated for apostasy on June 19, 1994.

In July of 1994 the Braddy's moved to Manti and joined the newly formed True & Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days. Later that month Kent was called to be a counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, and given the task of researching and defining the Aaronic Priesthood. In October of 1995 he was called to be an Apostle.

Kent's current assignments are comprised of supervising the printing of church literature and the TLC scriptures, and maintaining the church's website.

Kent and his wife Jennifer reside in Manti, Utah with their three children.


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