John Baker

Hi. My name is John. I have been called to be a teacher of truth and to testify that God lives. I am an eternal witness that He lives, and I extend to you the invitation to come unto Christ.

Therefore, repent and change: for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. I have sinned. God in His mercy called me to repent. He has shown me and continues to show me my sins. I know how to repent, and I have been forgiven.

In the name of the God of Israel I call upon you who are the Elect of God to have faith in the Living God, repent and be baptized that your sins no longer stain your soul. More than that, I call you to gather and prepare to receive all the ordinances of salvation and exaltation, for the Kingdom of God is at hand, and the Kingdom of Heaven is nigh.

If you don't, you will be destroyed; for the desolation of abomination that Daniel and the Doctrine and Covenants speak of is about to come upon the earth. WAKE UP ISRAEL!!! Do not slumber unto death!

I pray that those of you who have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart that can feel the witness of the Holy Ghost, will respond.

Bold talk, you say. Perhaps. Go ask God if I speak the truth. He will sustain my words, for they are truth. I have the promise of Heaven that for the sake of the Elect, the Holy Ghost will give witness to the truth of my testimony!

Perhaps some would like to know some more of my life. Well, it is short and somewhat bittersweet.

I was born in southern California and raised in a little mountain community about 90 miles east of Los Angeles. As a youth, I joined the LDS church when my parents began to attend a dependent branch of that church in our town. I was active in the LDS church from that time until I was excommunicated in 1992 for "apostasy".

My "apostasy" consisted of believing and acting on revelation God gave me concerning my family. My "priesthood leaders", on the other hand, were telling me that my revelation was not from God. Over a period of a couple of months, I agonized over my dilemma: should I follow God, having tested that revelation over and over again, even using the keys of the priesthood, or should I follow my leaders in the LDS church?

I pondered, prayed, studied, listened, discussed, counseled, and did everything I could to figure out the right course to follow. In the Book of Mormon, Alma says that to knowingly deny the revelation of the Holy Ghost is a sin which is unpardonable. Serious stuff!!!

At length I determined to stand by that which I knew to be true, knowing it would cost me my membership. I received peace to my soul, and witness after witness that I was right before God. Oh, I am everlastingly grateful I made that decision. The blessings that have come to me far outweigh the pain of separation from that church and my family of eighteen years.

I have been led to true religion, pure and undefiled before God, the religion Joseph taught-- all of it!!

I suppose there is much that can be said, but I will finish by saying that I currently live in Spring City, Utah, only a short drive from Manti. I am happy, and have worthwhile things to do. I look forward to each day, especially now that I can keep my covenants. A New Jerusalem will be established. Enoch's Zion will return. Happy day.

May it be a happy day for you.

--John Baker


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