The seven volumes of this text are web pages taken
from raw scans of the c1902 text of History of The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. There are seven files, each consisting of one volume of
the History in pdf format, theses files are very large and take some time to
load. Please be patient.
This history was produced by assignment from Church leaders at the
beginning of the 20th century. The History editor was B. H. Roberts,
a prominent LDS leader. Roberts' assignment was to take the manuscript history
produced by Joseph Smith (1805-1844) and his clerks between 1838 and 1857 and
publish it together with explanatory notes. The history was written as though
dictated by Joseph Smith, however he dictated only a small portion of it. The
bulk of the manuscript was based on Church records, Church newspaper excerpts
and journals of Joseph Smith kept by various men who recorded his activities as
well as the diary entries of men who were with Joseph Smith at various times and
places or who performed Church missionary efforts, or other tasks of historical
importance. The first six volumes of the history cover the life of Joseph Smith,
while volume seven concerns the period of time from the death of Joseph Smith
(1844) through 1847 and part of 1848. The purpose of volume seven was to cover
various matters about and resulting from Joseph Smith's death as well as the
important problem of who would succeed him as the leader of the Church. The
manuscript history was completed only up to 1838 when Joseph Smith was killed.
The bulk of the manuscript history text was written following his death.
The seven volumes listed are
taken from scans of the published history.