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~~  The Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony  ~~
Salt Lake City Live Version w/ Closed Captions

    I want to express utmost appreciation to NewNameNoah for making this available. This video was filmed in the Salt Lake City Mormon Temple.

At the time of this filming there are only two Mormon temples in the world that perform what is known as a "LIVE" endowment ceremony; Salt Lake City and Manti, Utah. This video was filmed in the Salt Lake City Mormon Temple. It was filmed on two occasions in 2011 and 2012. In place of the movie that is seen in other temples, volunteer temple workers act out all the roles in the ceremony.

(You'll notice that the endowment in this video was done on behalf of a "Preston Burns" but then at the veil the name given was different. Keep in mind, the part of this video filmed at the veil was filmed on a different date however, the "new name" is the same. That's because both visits were made on the 14th of a month. The "new names" are the same on any given day of the month with only 31 men's "new names" and 31 women's "new names". These "New Names" are switched around about every ten years.)